Notas biográficas dos oradores estrangeiros:
José Antonio Moreiro González
José Antonio Moreiro González, Ph. D. es actualmente Catedrático Y Director del Departamento de Biblioteconomia Y Documentación em la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Ha sido profesor de cursos reglados en las universidades UNED, Complutense, Murcia y A Coruña. Líneas preferentes de investigación Y docencia:
- Teoría e Historia de la Documentación
- Análisis de contenido textual Y gráfico
- Formación universitaria de los documentalistas. Mercado de trabajo. Evaluación de centros de enseñanza superior.
Ha impartido cursos y seminarios en las Universidades de Cantabria, UNED, Castilla-La Mancha; São Paulo, Londrina (Paraná), Curitiba, Porto Alegre y Campinas (Brasil); Granada, Paris VIII-Saint Denis, Paris IV-Sorbona, León, Zaragoza, Salamanca, Javeriana y de Antioquia (Colombia). Participa en los comités de publicación de las revistas Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, del Boletín Millares Carlo, de la Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, de Signo y de Cuadernos de Biblioteconomía y Documentación.
Irene Wormell
Irene Wormell Ph.D. is Head of Department at the Royal School of Librarianship on Copenhagen. She has carried out research and consultancy for a wide range of organizations, directed many international seminars and conferences, and published extensively in the area of knowledge representation, information quality, IRM, value-added products and services, and curriculum developments for LIS studies. Since 1992 she has served as Chair of the FID/ET (Education and Training) Committee and has been intensively involved in the promotion of professional developments, particularly in the introduction of new competency areas in the LIS education and training programmes. She is editor of Libri – International Journal of Libraries and Information Services and member of the editorial board of several professional journals.
Michael Cook
Michael Cook received archival training at the University of Oxford, worked as an archivist in a variety of archives services in Britain and African countries. Since 1968 has been one of the teachers at the University of Liverpool, in support of the Master of Archives and Records Management programme. In 1975 set up the training programme for English-speaking African countries based at the University of Ghana. Author of several training manuals published in Britain and by Unesco. At present he is Senior Research Fellow at the Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies (LUCAS).
Jonathan P. Wilson
Jonathan Willson is Principal Lecturer (Academic Developments) and Deputy Head in the Department of Information and Communications (formerly Department of Library and Information Studies) at the Manchester Metropolitan University, since 1991. His responsibilities include course development, having recently managed a review of all taught provision within the Department. His teaching has been mainly in the areas of Information Technology, especially the enabling aspects, Virtual Library and Information Society. Commitments to research include a recently completed European-funded project on decision-making in libraries and a report for the Department of National Heritage on the use of IT by public libraries. Jonathan Wilson is also a graduate of Portuguese and Spanish. He has been a National Councillor on the Library Association (LA) Council since 1992 and is currently a member of the Institutional Services Committee, the Equal Opportunities Sub-committee and Chair of the LA Record Editorial Board.
Jean Michel
Consellier du Directeur de l’Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) pour le management de la formation et de l’information. Editeur de l’European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), journal officiel de la Sociétè Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs (SEFI). Ancien président de l’ADBS, “L’Association des professionnels de l’information et de la documentation”. Président de la Commission Information et Communication de la Fédération Mondiale des Organisations d’Ingénieurs (FMOI) Membre du Conseil d’administration de la Fédération Internationale d’Information et de documentation (FID). Jean Michel est espécialisé et intervient dans les domaines suivants:
L’information et de la documentation spécialisées
La formation de ingénieurs et des spécialistes de l’information et de la documentation
des méthodes de compétitivité (qualité, analyse de la valeur, “problem solving”).